United States Drought Monitor released June 23, 2015

U.S. Drought Monitor http://www.drought.govView Originalu.s.drtmon6.23.2015 The U.S. Drought Monitor is unique, blending numeric measures of drought and experts' best judgment into a single map every week. It started in 1999 as a federal, state, and academic partnership, growing out of a Western Governors' Association initiative to provide timely and understandable scientific information on water supply [...]

The New Thompson Exhibition Building at Mystic Seaport: The Museum of America and the Sea

One of the world’s most famous nautical museums is Mystic Seaport located at Mystic, Conn. on Long Island Sound and Long Island. It newest addition is the Thompson Exhibition Building. The replica 18th-century French frigate Hermione arrived in Yorktown to make her visit to America, while the world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat, the U.S.S. Constitution, [...]

From Florida’s old Kissimmee River to Disruption to Restoration (8 minutes),

http://youtu.be/nN95KTVeUDA Part I of the restoration of the Kissimmee River basin.  Unimpeded, southerly river flows in a sinuous, winding pattern, ultimately draining into Lake Okeechobee, were essential in maintaining a unique subtropical ecosystem that had existed for centuries. This ecosystem helped maintain the diversity of wildlife in the region as well as the health of [...]

The Palm Beach Farms Company, Percy Hagerman, and Colorado silver mining

The Lake Worth Drainage District celebrated its (1915-2015) centennial yesterday.  Between 1915 and 1935, more than 125 drainage districts formed in Florida to prevent flooding.  Nineteen districts formed in Palm Beach County alone.  These local districts (secondary drainage) are under the supervisory control of the South Florida Management District (primary drainage).  Both monitor the weather [...]